MSc Dissertation (by research)

Student Title Defense datesort ascending
VITOR GOMES BAIOCO Effects of audit committee and fiscal council on earnings quality in Brazil 20/05/2015
FLAVIA FARDIN GRILLO Family presence as a corporate governance mechanism: na investigation of earnings quality of public companies on traditional segment of BM&FBovespa 14/05/2015
WANDO BELFFI DA COSTA Relation among business life cycle stages on earnings quality in Brazilian public companies 12/05/2015
SILAS ADOLFO POTIN Hedge accounting in the Brazilian capital Market: effects on earnings quality and disclosure 16/12/2014
LORENA LUCENA FURTADO Analysis of technical efficiency of Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology 09/12/2014
JOÃO ANTÔNIO SALVADOR DE SOUZA Related-parties transactions: determinants and impacts on firms’ performance 28/11/2014
ELIEZER RODRIGUES DA SILVA NETO The relation of social disclosure level and sustainability factors of firms in the energy industry in Brazil 27/11/2014
KAREN YUKARI YOKOYAMA The Real Estate Investment Funds Listed on the Stock Exchange and The Variables That Influence Their Returns 21/11/2014
RICARDO DOS SANTOS DIAS A study of private equity and venture capital financial funding 21/11/2014
ISAAC GEZER SILVA DE OLIVEIRA Executive compensation and performance: empirical evidence in Brazil 24/10/2014
WILLIAM BRASIL RODRIGUES SOBRINHO Audit fees, non-audit fees and auditor independence: evidence of public companies listed on BM&FBovespa 14/10/2014
HERBERT SIMÕES RODRIGUES Effects of analysts monitoring and the cross-listing on voluntary disclosure during IFRS adoption in Brazil 10/09/2014
LUIZ HENRIQUE FERNANDES VARGAS Shareholders activism in the Brazilian capital Market: evidence and determinants of public companies 20/09/2013
ABNER RIBEIRO SALAROLI Analysis of the development of International Public Sector Accounting Standards 06/09/2013
GLADYSON BROMMONSCHENKEL DEMONIER The impact of financial constraints on conservatism 05/09/2013
FELIPE MAIA LYRIO Shareholders agrément and earnings quality: Empirical evidence in the Brazilian Capital Market 31/07/2013
ELIZEU MARIA JUNIOR The relation of institutional investors, earnings management and corporate governance 21/06/2013
JÚLIA ALVES E SOUZA Operational Segments informationin Brazil: disclosure practices and determinants 17/06/2013
LUCIANA HOLTZ Effects of the board of directors structure characteristics and composition on earnings quality in Brazil 22/05/2013
ANDRÉ ABREU DE ALMEIDA The influence of private equity and venture capital on earnings informativeness in the Brazilian capital market 22/03/2013
THIAGO CHIEPPE SAQUETTO Technical efficiency and inovativeness: a study on private hospitals in Brazil 10/12/2012
RICARDO FURIERI BASTIANELLO Corporate governance and competition: influence on earnings quality. 11/09/2012
TALLES VIANNA BRUGNI Board of directors: an analysis of their characteristics and impacts on Brazilian public companies 04/09/2012
PATRICIA KRAUSS SERRANO PARIS A study of perceptions of environmentalists from the state of Espírito Santo on the relevance of GRI environmental indicators 15/08/2012


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